Access to 5 days of pre-recorded stretches

Experience MFS anytime, anywhere.

What is MFS or Myo-fascial Stretching?

Myo means muscle and fascia is the body's connective tissue

One MFS stretch targets the fascia of one muscle in your body, which comprises a link in the chain of fascia that surrounds your entire body. When one MFS is done, that muscle along with the entirety of your body and your overall wellbeing is positively affected to leave you feeling more aligned, more free, and ultimately more YOU.

Move through MFS with Adrianna

Using her experience as a dancer and a Myo-fascial and ELDOA ™ Certified Stretch Trainer, Adrianna will help improve your awareness, your mobility, and the overall wellbeing of your body.

Hear what others are saying about MFS:

5-day MFS Challenge

Tamrin G.

Adrianna has such a calm and thorough way of guiding movements. The stretches can be done anywhere without a ton of space. They left me feeling like there was more space in my body.

5-day MFS Challenge

Zoë L.

I love how after the 5 days, I felt more invigorated and more alive in my body!

5-day MFS Challenge

Betsy M.

The course was approachable and quick. The 5 days of stretches made my back feel great and my body more awake.

Feel the results of MFS in your body.

Try the 5-day, MFS Challenge for FREE today.